Welcome to Oils on a Budget!

Thanks so much for spending some of your valuable time with me to learn how you can make the switch to essential oils and oil-infused products . . . without breaking the bank!

Essential oils are so versatile and serve many different purposes, allowing you to replace many of the harmful products in your home with much safer alternatives.  Because Young Living oils are pure and potent, you will find that one drop goes a long way, meaning in some cases, you are saving lots of pennies in the process!

Throughout this class, you will learn about different oils costing under $20 and ways to use them, get tips for stretching your products to make them last longer, and see how some items you purchase can serve more than one purpose.

There is one thing that you can be sure of… Young Living spares no expense in ensuring you are getting the best oils on the planet. 

When you shop with Young Living you are getting quality products backed by a ‘Seed to Seal’ guarantee that you won’t find anywhere else. You can expect that Young Living will provide you with only the BEST!

  • Plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)
  • Sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil
  • Great care is taken to preserve and protect natural resources
  • Hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides
  • Oils that retain all their natural constituents and therapeutic properties
  • Use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods
  • Low pressure and low-temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals
  • Rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities
  • Oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards (beyond organic!)

And the best part… if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. YL would rather have something go out of stock than let an inferior product slip through to us. It's rare to find a company with such high standards.  Now that’s amazing!! To learn even more, check out www.seedtoseal.com



  • When using pure essential oils, be sure to dilute with a carrier oil.
  • Do not put them in your eyes or ears.
  • Follow the directions on labels.

There are three ways to use Essential Oils.

The solid-colored labels have aromatic and topical directions on them. The labels that are white are from the vitality line and have dietary instructions on the labels.

  • Topically - Dilute with a carrier oil like V6 from Young Living, coconut oil, or grapeseed oil. Apply to your skin. They are quickly absorbed and effective.
  • Aromatically - Use in the diffuser, inhale from diffuser jewelry, or put it on your hands.
  • Internally  -Young Living oils in the vitality line are safe to ingest.

“Oils are too expensive.” (MYTH!)

How many times have you heard someone say this?

Let’s be real for a minute . . . Rose essential oil COULD be considered expensive at almost $2 a drop . . . BUT . . . if you were just using one drop a day, and it was working with your body to regulate and balance hormone production, promote healthy skin, aid in the body’s natural detoxification processes, spice things up in the bedroom, boost feelings of confidence and self-esteem, along with countless other benefits that I can’t specifically mention (but you can research for yourself), would you still consider it to be too expensive?

Incorporating essential oils and oil-infused products into your daily routine is all about making better choices. We will spend our money on the things that we feel are valuable, regardless of cost. How much value do you put on feeling and looking amazing?

I challenge you to take a good, hard look at what you may be spending $2 on every day.  Every choice you make when it comes to your wellness is either fighting disease or contributing to it.

That being said, you can start to support your wellness for way less than $2 a day! What if I told you it could be done for just pennies?

Young Living has over 50 oils that cost under $20 per bottle. Remember when I told you earlier approximately how many drops of oil were in a bottle?? Get ready to do some math.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these oils and learn how we can put them to good use. Time will not permit us to cover them ALL, so I have picked a few singles and blends for us to explore.

*Prices noted reflect the wholesale discounted price 

Clove 15ml - $16.50/300 = $.06 per drop
Clove Vitality 5 ml - $7.75/100 = $.08 per drop

Clove Vitality essential oil supports the immune system and is essential for promoting healthy teeth and gums. It can also be used to support the circulatory system and healthy blood flow.

●     Place a few drops on a wet cloth and place over the forehead and temples to relieve tension, or the back of the neck to soothe sore muscles.
●     Eliminate unpleasant odors when cooking by diffusing.
●     Add a drop of Clove Vitality to your favorite dish for an extra boost of flavor.
●     Dilute a drop and rub along your teething toddler’s gums to find relief.

 Cedarwood 15 ml - $12.00 = $.04 per drop
A natural deodorizer. Use to freshen the air in your home while creating a calmer and more relaxing environment.  It also stimulates the pineal gland, which releases melatonin, and I think you can guess what this is good for. SLEEP!
●     Diffuse 4-6 drops at night or add one drop to the bottom of each foot for a more restful night’s sleep.
●   Add 20 drops to your shampoo/conditioner bottles for healthier, shinier hair.
●   Add 20 drops to a 2 oz spray bottle of water and spray on clothes and skin to keep your outdoor time annoyance-free. Mix with Lemongrass, Clove, and/or Citronella (which is also just $20!) for added benefit.

Lemongrass 15 ml - $12.00 = $.04 per drop
 Lemongrass Vitality 5 ml $6.50 = $.07 per drop

Used for everything - cleaning, cosmetics, sleep aid, immune booster, stress reliever, muscle soother, and more.
●     Take 2-4 drops of Vitality daily in a veggie cap to support healthy digestion and gastrointestinal function. Add 1-2 drops of Peppermint Vitality for an added boost.
●     Apply 1-2 drops to tired muscles post-workout or to tired feet after a long, tiring day.
●     Add 1-2 drops to your cleanser or moisturizer to help purify the skin to help cleanse.
 *Science Note - One drop of essential oil can contain hundreds of different compounds that all serve different purposes. Do a quick Google search on the terpene properties of Lemongrass essential oil and prepare to be amazed.

R.C. 5 ml - $11.00 = $.11 per drop

Relax, revitalize, rejuvenate, and refresh all from one bottle! An affordable blend of 10 essential oils you need in your collection.

●   Apply a drop of R.C. to your chest and wrists every morning for an energizing and uplifting start to your day.
●   Put a couple of drops of R.C. in the diffuser to clear the air and make your space more comfortable when it’s humid or when the room feels stuffy.
●   Keep this one stocked in your wellness cabinet by ordering one a month throughout the year so you have enough on hand for the winter months to keep everyone breathing easy.

 Purification 5 ml - $16.50 = $.17 per drop

Ditch the harsh, chemical-based sprays and cleaning products from your home (which in the long run will save you money!) and make the switch to more natural alternatives.

●   Have laundry? Add a drop to your detergent, a couple drops to your wool dryer balls, and use in a spray bottle for an air and fabric refresher that is free of nasty “fragrance.”
●   Have pets? Make your own pet spray using a drop of Thieves Dish Soap or Castile soap, about 10-15 drops of Purification and ½ cup distilled water. Spray daily to help keep bugs and odors at bay.
●   Have kids? Create all natural odor-eater by placing a couple drops of Purification on cotton balls and placing them around the house where needed - garbage cans, inside shoes, bottom of the diaper pail, air vents, etc.


 Christmas Spirit 5 ml - $11.00 = .11 per drop

 With the combination of Orange, Cinnamon Bark, and Spruce, it will promote feelings of joy and peace. It’s worth using all year long!

 ●   Add 10 drops to the filter in your vacuum cleaner or combine with ½ cup of baking soda for a carpet freshener to keep your home smelling fresh.
●   Put a couple drops of Christmas Spirit on a cotton ball and place near doorways or on the patio to stay annoyance-free outdoors.
●   Put a couple drops of Christmas Spirit on your wool dryer balls to carry that Christmas spirit with you.

NOTE: You absorb everything from your clothes onto your skin and into your bloodstream. By simply replacing conventional detergents and dryer sheets and adding oils into your laundry, you can eliminate harmful chemicals and add health-benefiting products for the entire family in just one cycle.


Don’t waste a single drop. When you get down to the bottom of the bottle there may not be a visible drop left but the whole inside is coated with precious oil, so how do you get it all out? Those drops are money, and I want to make sure you are getting every penny’s worth!

Pro Tips to create less waste:.

  • Remove the orifice reducer, the plastic cap inside the top, to let the last few drops drip out.
  • Soak your empty bottles in a jar of Epsom salt; then soak yourself in a hot Epsom bath.
  • Add your empty oil bottles to a jar of water; then use that water to fill your diffusers.
  • Save your empty bottles and use to make your own custom roller blends.
  • Use your empties to fill with a small amount to share an oil sample with a friend.
  • Did you know that one capful of Thieves Household Cleaner fits almost perfectly in an empty 5-ml bottle? Yep! Fill up that 5 ml bottle with Thieves All-Purpose Cleaner and give it to a friend. Be sure you put the orifice reducer back in to avoid leaks.

Cleaning your home can be expensive. When you start adding up the cost of all-purpose cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner, and floor cleaner, you will quickly realize that replacing all of these with just one bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner will be saving you a whole lot more than money!

 From just ONE concentrated bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner, you can get an average of TWENTY-NINE 16-ounce spray bottles of all-purpose cleaner, good to use on everything from windows to floors.

This can replace so much more than just cleaners. Use it to...

●   refill your foaming hand soaps
●   replace your dishwasher or laundry detergent
●   degrease the stove, oven, microwave, or grill
●   wash your cars, your patio, and your outdoor furniture
●   clean sponges, rags, and toothbrushes
●   clean all your surfaces - wood, stone, tile, and grout
●   wash pet bowls and clean aquariums

 Are you getting an idea yet of how much money you can save with one bottle that literally does it all?

Because many of Young Living’s products are so concentrated, you are able to get even more for your money by diluting to double or triple the amount you started with.

 Here are some products I have found that I can ‘double up’ on and still get the same great results:

Shampoo/Conditioner/Shower Gel - You guys, these are SOOOO thick! If you decide not to dilute, you only need a dime-size amount, that’s all. I separate mine into two bottles, add HOT water (this is key), and turn my bottles upside down overnight to let everything mix, then shake well before each use.

 Thieves Dishwasher Powder - Combine 50/50 with baking soda or super washing soda to double up.

 Thieves Mouthwash - This is another product that is so strong and potent. Mix 50/50 with water and it’s just right.

 Orange Blossom Face Wash - This one will give you more than double. Add 2 Tbsp to an 8-ounce foaming soap pump and use 1-2 pumps daily. You will get FOUR 8-ounce foamers from your ONE bottle of face wash, which could last you up to a year depending on use.

Let’s do some math on this one. To keep things simple, we will assume this one bottle of face wash lasts you a whole year, 365 days. That is only $41.25 for the entire year! That’s roughly $0.11 per day to wash your face with a hypoallergenic, gentle face wash that leaves behind no pore-clogging residue.

Don’t you just love it when you buy one pair of shoes and you can wear it with several different outfits?  Or when you grab a few simple ingredients at the grocery store and use them to make three different meals? 

 We love versatility and finding new ways to use old things.  Not that your products are old things, but you get where I’m going with this, right?

 I love finding new out-of-the-ordinary ways to use my products.  This saves me time and money because if I run out of something, there’s a pretty good chance I have something else that I can use in its place.

 Let’s take a look at some products and think outside the box for other ways we can use them.

Toothpaste = Deodorant   Just a dab under the pits and no worries, you're stink-free all day.

 Animal Scents Ointment = Hair Gel  Take a bit of ointment (depending on how much hair you have) and mix in your hands with water to thin out before applying to your locks.

 Conditioner = Detangler. Any of Young Living’s conditioners can double as a detangler.  Grab a 24-ounce spray bottle, add 2 cups of distilled water (warm) and ½ cup of conditioner, and mix well.

 Lavender Lotion = Fabric Softener.  Mix a couple of drops of lotion (or conditioner) with 1 cup of water.

 Thieves Fruit & Veggie Wash = Degreaser. If you find that your dish soap needs an extra boost, add a capful of fruit & veggie wash.

 Thieves Dishwasher Powder = Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Sprinkle in the toilet or mix with water to make a paste/scrub.

 Lavender Lip Balm = Eyeshadow Primer.  All you need is one swipe across the lids before applying your shadow.

 Lemongrass = Nail Polish RemoverJust a couple drops on a cloth saves you from dozens of harmful chemicals.

 Seedlings Wipes = Dryer SheetsDitch those nasty store-bought dryer sheets that contain a chemical cocktail shown to pollute the environment and disrupt your hormones!

 Hand & Body Lotion = Shaving Cream. Self-explanatory