Brooke has had a long day in the office so the moment she walks in the door, she scurries over
to the diffuser and gets some Citrus Fresh going. That blend always seems to put her in a
good mood.
She pops on some tunes and gets to work on dinner. Tonight’s dish is fish tacos, served with
some delicious lime cumin sauce. The recipe calls for Lime Vitality and Black Pepper
Vitality so she adds a little bit of each and, my oh my, it sure is tasty! Her husband grabs a beer
and adds a drop of Orange Vitality to kick things up a notch in the flavor department. Clearly,
these oils can be used in many different ways!
After they polish off the tacos, they retire to the living room. Her husband mentions a little
bloating so she grabs him some Allerzyme and adds a few drops of DiGize Vitality to a
veggie capsule for him to take.
Next, they brew some of their favorite tea - the Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea. They stir in a
drop of Tangerine Vitality and some honey along with a dash of vanilla creamer, then sit back
to read for a few minutes before they head to bed.
Did you know? Lime Vitality contains antioxidants and supports your overall wellness. Black
Pepper Vitality also contains antioxidants and may support healthy weight management and
support the digestive system. DiGize Vitality helps support and cleanse the digestive system.
Orange Vitality provides digestive and immune support, and Tangerine Vitality may provide
digestive, lymphatic, and immune support. Wow!!